Nov. 2006
This website is on the net since 2000. Just recently in 2021 it had to change to a new address.
But since you are here already you could see that...
Current Email address: gbroers[at-sign]quicknet[d0t]nl.
This website has no single theme, It is about nothing really. If you have any idea what it is about you can let me know. People that bookmark this page will now get a free green GB icon in front of their bookmark, as long as they are in stock.
For now, the main sections are:
Voor de nederlandse bezoekers, hier is een sinterklaas- of kerstspel waar ik aan gewerkt
heb. Een manier om kleine algemene cadeautjes te verdelen. Het origineel is van pubquizamsterdam.
Misschien dat iemand het wil hebben, of zelfs spelen.